Desechos sólidos
Solid Wastes
Este programa otorga licencias e inspecciona anualmente las instalaciones de desechos sólidos para garantizar el cumplimiento de la sección 3734 del Código Revisado de Ohio y es inspeccionado y aprobado anualmente por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Ohio. Se deben inspeccionar vertederos activos, vertederos cerrados, estaciones de transferencia, sitios de construcción/demolición, instalaciones de tratamiento de desechos infecciosos, grandes generadores de desechos infecciosos, generadores de llantas de desecho, sitios de compostaje y vertederos a cielo abierto.
Formulario de quejas por molestias
Compost Facilities
Compost facilities are where primarily yard, agricultural, and animal wastes are processed through composting.
These facilities include four classes recognized by the Ohio EPA:
Class I (accepts mixed solid waste, food waste, and yard waste)
Class II (accepts yard waste, animal wastes, and other wastes by approval)
Class III (accepts yard waste and/or animal wastes)
Class IV (accepts only yard waste)

Within Sandusky County, there are minimum sanitation standards that all homes are required to meet. These standards were established to ensure that the public are living in the safest and healthiest home possible. SCPH will inspect issues affecting the public’s health such as water, sewage, rodents, garbage, and other unsanitary conditions. To file a complaint, either call our number at 419-334-6377 or fill out the following attachment:
To see our Nuisance Regulations for Sandusky County, click here
To file a complaint on a local hotel/motel (bugs, cleanliness, etc.):
Click Here
To file a complaint on a nursing home:
Click Here
To file a complaint on a manufactured home:
Click Here
To file a complaint on open burning:
Click Here
To file a complaint on a hair salon, barber shop, or nail salon:
Click Here
To file a complaint about the care or a dangerous situation involving a child:
To file a complaint about the care or a dangerous situation involving an adult:
If you wish to file a complaint on unkept houses or yards (grass heights, overgrowth, etc.) you will need to contact your local City, Village, or Township Code Enforcement or Zoning Official.
Updated on 6/18/2024