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Mobile Foods

A mobile food service operation (FSO) or mobile retail food establishment (RFE) is one that is operated from a movable vehicle, portable structure, or watercraft and routinely changes location. Mobile FSOs and RFEs include those that do not remain in any one location for more than 40 days. Mobile licenses are renewed annually and expire on March 1st of every year.  Applications for mobile food licenses should be submitted to the licensor for the health district in which the applicant's business headquarters are located, or if the headquarters are located outside the state, to the licensor for the district where the applicant will first operate in Ohio. 

For mobile food requirements, click here.

Temporary Foods

Temporary food service operations (FSO’s) and retail food establishments (RFE’s) is the short-term preparation and sale of food at a local fair, festival, or any other type of gathering.  This type of food license is only valid for 5 consecutive days at the same location.  An owner is only permitted to acquire 10 temporary permits in one licensing year. 

Temporary facilities must be self-sufficient and are subject to the same rules and regulations as brick-and-mortar facilities.  Any foods that are from an unapproved source will be subject to embargo or voluntary discarding by the owner with no refunds.

All temporary plan review packets must be submitted 10 days prior to the start of the event. For the application, click here.


Click here for the requirements: Temporary Food Requirements

Cottage Foods

Cottage food production is regulated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. For more information on producing and selling a cottage food please click here.


Here are the Cottage Food Regulations.

Updated on 2/9/24

Se puede contactar al Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Sandusky las 24 horas del día en caso de una emergencia de salud pública fuera del horario de atención. 

Fuera del horario de atención llame al Despacho del Sheriff del Condado de Sandusky al 419-334-6433 y pida hablar con un Funcionario de Salud Pública.

Las emergencias de salud pública podrían incluir:

Un peligro inmediato para la salud ambiental (p. ej., contaminación del agua potable), Una enfermedad infecciosa de interés inmediato para la salud pública,

(una enfermedad de notificación obligatoria de Clase A, que requiere que los informantes de la enfermedad se comuniquen con el departamento de salud de inmediato por teléfono)

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© 2022 Salud Pública del Condado de Sandusky, Todos los derechos reservados.  Desarrollado por Sterling PC Maintenance Solutions

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