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Level 1 Certification

(ServSafe® Person-In-Charge)


This course is for FSO/RFE facilities that are Risk Level 1 and 2, which must have one person per shift with the certification OR a Risk Level 3 and 4 when the ServSafe Level 2 Manager’s certified person is not present in the establishment. Click here to see the different risk levels or look at your food license. Mobile food operators are encouraged to take this course.


Click here for the online course, which is $22 per person and roughly 3 hours in length. Send a copy of your certificate to us and keep one on file handy during inspections. This course is offered in English or Spanish.

Level 2 Certification

(ServSafe® Food Manager)


Here is an example of what the Level 2 Certification looks like:


As of 2017, each risk level 3 and 4 food service operation (FSO) and retail food establishment (RFE) shall have at least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall obtain the level two certification in food protection according to rule 3701-21-25 of the Administrative Code.

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This is a 15-hour course over 2 days. An examination is given at the end of day 2.  It is required to pass this test with a 70% or higher to pass the course, which is not open book or note. All passing scores receive a ServSafe® Manager’s Certification and an Ohio Department of Health Manager’s Certification in Food Protection.  The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Manager’s Certification in Food Protection is required to be visible during food inspections, which never expires.


Online courses are available but must be approved by the Ohio Department of Health. Be aware – the exam must be taken at a registered testing site.


If you fail the exam, you can retake it within 30 days. If three or more attempts are needed, you must wait 60 days from the last exam to try again. You can’t take more than 4 attempts within a year.


If you already took the ServSafe® Food Manager course, but don’t have the ODH certification that appears like the one listed above, fill this form out.


The exam is available in different languages. Online exams are offered in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Print exams are offered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, French Canadian, and Japanese.


For more information, click here.

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2025 Class Dates

January 10-11 & 24-25
February 7-8 & 21-22
March 7-8 & 21-22
April 11-12 & 25-26
May 9-10
June 13-14 & 27-28

July 18-19
August 8-9 & 22-23
September 12-13

October 10-11 & 24-25
November 14-15
December 12-13

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Please contact Brenda Moore for more information

Updated on 1/21/25

Se puede contactar al Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Sandusky las 24 horas del día en caso de una emergencia de salud pública fuera del horario de atención. 

Fuera del horario de atención llame al Despacho del Sheriff del Condado de Sandusky al 419-334-6433 y pida hablar con un Funcionario de Salud Pública.

Las emergencias de salud pública podrían incluir:

Un peligro inmediato para la salud ambiental (p. ej., contaminación del agua potable), Una enfermedad infecciosa de interés inmediato para la salud pública,

(una enfermedad de notificación obligatoria de Clase A, que requiere que los informantes de la enfermedad se comuniquen con el departamento de salud de inmediato por teléfono)

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© 2022 Salud Pública del Condado de Sandusky, Todos los derechos reservados.  Desarrollado por Sterling PC Maintenance Solutions

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