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Environmental Health

Our Environmental Health Division’s programs impacts the health and well-being of Sandusky County residents.

Our programs are devoted to making sure our health, food, water, air, and soil are safe.

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Food Safety & Inspections

Temporary Food Requirements

Plan Review Application

New Facility Packet

Rabies Control

Veterinarian Report

Nuisance Animal Contractors

Private Water Systems
Pools & Beaches

Well Application

Chlorination Instructions

Drinking Water Fact Sheets

Pool Operator Course

Pool Water Fact Sheets

Facilities List

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Household Sewage
Tattoo & Body Piercing
Solid Wastes & Nusiances

Temporary Info Packet

Temporary Application

Facilities List

Sewage System Application

Contractor List

Realty Request Form

Facilities List

Plan Review Packet

New Operator Sign Off

Nuisance Complaint Form

Intent to Fill Form


Manufactured Home Parks

ODC Manufactured Housing


Lead prevention

Bed bugs

Mold, asbestos, and radon testing

Mosquito Control

Mosquito Brochure

Any Questions? Contact us at:

Direct :419-334-6373

Fax: 419-334-6380



Updated on 7/09/2024

Sandusky County Public Health can be contacted 24 hours a day in the event of an after-hours public health emergency. 

After hours call the Sandusky County Sheriff’s Dispatch at 419-334-6433 and ask to speak to a Public Health Official.


Public health emergencies could include:

An immediate environmental health hazard (e.g. drinking water contamination), An infectious disease of immediate public health concern,

(a Class A reportable disease, which requires disease reporters to contact the health department immediately by phone)

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© 2024 Sandusky County Public Health, All Rights Reserved.  Developed by Sterling PC Maintenance Solutions

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