Private Water Systems

The importance of Well Logs:
Well logs contain valuable information regarding a well's construction, including details about its depth, yield, and the geology of the well. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources maintains well logs that can be easily searched by county or address. You can access the well logs at https://waterwells.ohiodnr.gov/search or call SCPH.
According to the CDC, it is recommended that owners of private water systems have their water tested annually. SCPH staff provides water sample analysis for total coliform and E. coli bacteria.
Private Water Systems Information Packet
Disinfection Fact Sheet for Flooded Drinking Water Wells
To disinfect your well, you will need:
Chlorination instructions for Homeowners
Well Water Interpretation Tool:
Need help understanding your well water test results? OSU Extension has created a website to help well owners understand their lab test results. You’ll also find information on well maintenance, what to do if your well water is contaminated and who to contact for assistance.
Click here to visit the website.
To understand your sample results:
Nitrates and Nitrites, answers to FAQ
Treatment Technologies for Removing Nitrates in drinking water
To find out how deep, old, or flow of your well, visit:
Updated on 1/24/2024