Emergency Preparedness

A public health emergency is any event or situation demanding immediate action on the part of the public health system in order to prevent disease and injury or maintain the public’s health. Emergencies can be natural or man-made. We work closely with the Sandusky County Emergency Management Agency, hospitals, law enforcement, and other local agencies to be prepared for a health emergency or disaster and to ensure the safety of our residents.
The Sandusky County Health Department regularly participates in emergency response training and exercises, often with other health departments in Northwest Ohio, to ensure preparedness and a timely response for any event.
For more information, including personal preparedness for you and your family, how to volunteer, and more, click on the links below.
Preparedness Resources
CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response
Sandusky County Citizens Alert System
Ohio Responds Volunteer Program
SCPH Emergency Response Plan
SCPH welcomes comments from the public regarding our Emergency Response Plan.
Comments can be sent to Ally Smith by email at asmith@scpublichealth.com or by phone 419-334-6312