Mission: The Prevention Partnership Coalition builds a healthier community by preventing and reducing substance abuse in Sandusky County.
Vision: To create a community consensus that clearly states that underage substance use is illegal, unhealthy, and unacceptable.
Our Commitment
Prevention Partnership Coalition is a leader in the movement to frame substance as an issue of public health. Members represent public and private organizations; including public health, education organizations, treatment facilities, youth, parents, probation, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, state and local government, area businesses and youth development organizations, with the understanding that only through collaboration can we make Sandusky County a safer and healthier place for us all.
The Prevention Partnership Coalition is dedicated to preventing and reducing substance misuse among youth and adults in Sandusky County. Over the past two decades, we have been successful because Prevention Works. Effective prevention involves all 12 sectors of the community, such as youth, parents, law enforcement, and many more. As a coalition, we coordinate and partner with these community sectors to implement The Seven Strategies for Community Change, an effective set of strategies that incorporates both individual and population-level prevention for a comprehensive approach that works.
All of this is done with you, community members and through membership. We are proud to share and support your tremendous work, and to know that together, we are creating a safe, healthy Sandusky County.
Contact Information:
Charlotte Stonerook
Prevention Partnership Committees
(Click on each committee for more information)