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ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs)

Standing committee responsible for implementing an action plan to reduce access to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Activities relate to policy and law education and enforcement. Present strategies include, but are not limited to, Party Crashers, Environmental Scan, Medication Collection Programs. 

Opiate Addiction:


A Guide for Communities


Alcohol Server Knowledge Program (ASK):


This course is interactive with full narration and provides instruction on current laws and regulations pertaining to the sale or consumption of alcohol, and offers real word situations for the best experience for people just starting their career or our seasoned veterans. This course is made to be done individually, and makes it easy to get your certificate of completion. 


Alcohol Server Knowledge Program (ASK) - Online Course

We Card Employee Tobacco Training Course

Compliance Checks:


A compliance check is a tool to identify alcohol establishments that sell alcohol to underage youth and are completed by law enforcement.  Compliance checks can be used for two purposes:  to enforce state criminal statutes, local administrative ordinances, or both; and to identify, warn, and educate alcohol establishments that serve or sell alcohol to underage youth.

55345 Sand Co. Med Take Back Poster (1).

Take it to the Box:


The Prevention Partnership Coalition has placed six medication Take it to the Box boxes at locations across the county.  The locations include Bellevue, Clyde, Fremont, Gibsonburg, and Woodville Police Departments, as well as the Sandusky County Sheriff's Office. Residents should bring their unused, unwanted and expired medication bottles and OTC medicines to the stations and drop them into the box for collection.


For more information, click here.

Tobacco Prevention:


Stand Up Speak Out Against Tobacco (Stand)Stand is an integrated youth-led campaign that relies on young voices to lead and carry the stand up speak out against tobacco message across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels using different promotional methods to reinforce each other.


Sandusky County STAND Presentation

Updated on 9/10/22

Sandusky County Public Health can be contacted 24 hours a day in the event of an after-hours public health emergency. 

After hours call the Sandusky County Sheriff’s Dispatch at 419-334-6433 and ask to speak to a Public Health Official.


Public health emergencies could include:

An immediate environmental health hazard (e.g. drinking water contamination), An infectious disease of immediate public health concern,

(a Class A reportable disease, which requires disease reporters to contact the health department immediately by phone)

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